August 14, 2017

The Netherlands - Employment: One million women in the Netherlands now work full time says TROUW Newspaper

 The number of women in the Netherlands with a full time job has broken the one million barrier for the first time, the newspaper Trouw said on Thursday.

The paper bases its claim on statistics supplied by the national statistics office CBS. ‘Ten years ago, the CBS first reported that 900,000 women had a full time job, but that was only 25% of all working women,’ the paper said.

Young women with a degree are most likely to work full time – almost half of them work at least 35 hours a week. Some 74% of all men aged 15 to 65 have a full-time job, down from 80% 10 years ago.

Nevertheless, the figure is over 82% for men aged 25 and upwards.

The Netherlands has a total population of  17.02 million according to 2016 official figures

Read more: One million women in the Netherlands now work full time: Trouw -