August 3, 2017

Poland - WWII: Poland to open new front in EU clash - by Andrew Rettman

The Polish government is preparing to claim World War II reparations from Germany, opening a new front in its clash with the EU establishment.

Arkadiusz Mularczyk, an MP from Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party, announced the move on Wednesday (2 August) amid commemorations of the Warsaw uprising.

He told the Polish news agency, Pap, that parliament would conclude a legal analysis of the claim by 11 August, describing the initiative as a “moral duty”.

Ryszard Czarnecki, a Law and Justice MEP, said: “If Jews have gotten compensation - and rightly so - for loss of property, why shouldn't we also make claims?”.

The former Communist regime in Poland waived WWII claims from Germany in 1953, but Antoni Macierewicz, the Polish defence minister, said on Tuesday that this commitment was invalid because it was made by a “Soviet puppet state.”

Note EU-Digest: The Polish government is not acting in a mature and professional way. Today they also have very little support from within their own voters base and they better watch out what will happen in the next general elections. This is also seems to be one of the main reasons they want to take control of the judicial system in Poland.
Read more: WWII: Poland to open new front in EU clash