November 21, 2017

EU: Turbulent times require peoples involvement and action

Today we were discussion among a group of friends how it seems that the world is going through very turbulent times, specially if you are American, British, Catalan, Spanish, Turkish, Middle East, or a citizen from another country in the European Union. 

Unfortunately this appears to be because populists and demagogues’ communication styles,designed to confuse audiences and convince citizens that there are facts that matter, and facts that don’t, have taken over the political scene. 

As Ken Wilber outlines in his most interesting book “Trump and a Post-Truth World”: It now appears we are living in a no-truth culture, where liars are considered the most truthful, since the truth becomes whatever they want it to become. 

Regretfully many politicians have embraced this theory, because they have realized that the battle for citizens´ hearts and minds is to be won by crafted narratives and Orwellian language.Young and old, it is time to wake-up and become involved in any way you can, within the field of your expertise, and protest. A revolution for positive change can only start with you, but the time is now.
