December 17, 2017

The American Illusion: US becoming 'world champion of extreme inequality' under Donald Trump, says UN poverty envoy - by Philip Alston

The United States under Donald Trump is fast becoming “the champion of inequality”, according to a scathing report by the United Nation’s expert on poverty.
While the US is one of the richest nations, entrenched poverty already experienced by many will be made worse by policies promoted by Mr Trump and the Republicans, in particular a planned tax overhaul that critics say gives huge cuts to the wealthy, it added.

“The American dream is rapidly becoming the American illusion, as the United States now has the lowest rate of social mobility of any of the rich countries,” said Philip Alston the UN Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights.

For the complete report on Mr. Alston's investigative visit go to 

Note EU-Digest: the obvious question the EU Commission and EU member states should ask themselves -"Isn't it important to urgently develop and maintain an independent economic and political course for Europe which benefits all its citizens? 

Read more: US becoming 'world champion of extreme inequality' under Donald Trump, says UN poverty envoy | The Independent