January 7, 2018

Hungary ‘should be kicked out of EU’ - by Armend Nimani

Europe’s cultural divisions deepened yesterday after Luxembourg called for Hungary to be kicked out of the EU because of the country’s hard stance on Muslim refugees and migrants.

The row has further poisoned relations between liberal western European countries and eastern Europe three days before a crucial summit on the future of the EU after Britain’s vote to leave in June.
Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg’s foreign minister, demanded the suspension or expulsion of Hungary over its authoritarianism and anti-migrant razor wire fences on its Balkan borders.

“We cannot accept that the EU’s fundamental values are being massively violated,” he told the German newspaper Die Welt.

“Anyone, like Hungary, who builds fences against refugees fleeing war or breaches press freedom and the independence of the justice system should be temporarily, or if needed, for ever excluded from the EU.”

Note EU-Digest: If the EU would do this they should include Poland in the process - unfortunately it does not have the power and guts to do so.

Read more: Hungary ‘should be kicked out of EU’ | World | The Times & The Sunday Times