February 18, 2018

The Netherlands: Hollywood in the Netherlands - by Manja van Kesteren

With its iconic canals and canal houses, windmills and fields of tulips, Dutch scenery can make for a pretty picture.

Therefore, it’s no surprise that Hollywood has stopped by a couple of times over the years.

Here are some Hollywood blockbusters that have been (partially) filmed in the Netherlands:

Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003)
Ocean’s Twelve (2004)
The Fault in Our Stars (2014)
Dunkirk (2017)
The Hitman’s Bodyguard (2017)

To promote film production in the Netherlands, and to attract big Hollywood productions to the country, the Netherlands Film Production Incentive was introduced in 2014. To qualify for a 35 percent cash rebate, feature films must incur at least 75 percent of their production costs within the Netherlands, and they are required to spend 100.000 euros on local production costs as well.

Since its introductio the incentive has contributed to over 200 projects, including 98 film productions from abroad. Thanks to the program, Dunkirk received a sum of 1,2 million USD, and the Hitman’s Bodyguard took home 960.000 USD.

Read more and see the film clips:The Netherlands: Hollywood in the Netherlands - by Manja van Kesteren