March 26, 2018

European Space Agency warns: China's Tiangong-1 space station 'will crash into Earth over Easter' possibly hitting populated areas- by Harry Pettit

China's out of control space station Tiangong-1 to crash on earth
China's out-of-control space station will crash into Earth this coming Easter weekend, according to the European Space Agency.

The agency's Space Debris Office has said Tiangong-1 will hit somewhere across our planet's northern hemisphere between March 30 and April 2.

Previous estimates suggested the rogue station, China's out of Cwhich is carrying highly toxic chemicals, would enter Earth's orbit on April 3.

According to experts tracking the station, it has the highest chance of crashing along a narrow strip around latitudes of 43 degrees north and south.

'At no time will a precise time/location prediction from ESA be possible,' the agency's Space Debris Office, based in Darmstadt, Germany, said in a statement.

The doomed 8.5-tonne craft has been hurtling towards Earth since Chinese scientists lost control of it in 2016.

Experts believe most of Tiangong-1 will burn up upon reentry, but shards as large as 100kg (220lbs) could strike Earth.

Scientist believe that even in 'high risk' areas, the chance of being struck by Tiangong-1 debris is about one million times smaller than the odds of winning the Powerball jack. 

However, there is a chance parts of the station containing hazardous hydrazine could plummet into a highly-populated area.

Following Cities are listed as potential crash sites:

Barcelona Spain Milwaukee USA
Beijing China Monaco Monaco
Bilbao Spain Naples Italy
Boise USA New York USA
Boston USA Nice France
Boulder USA Philadelphia USA
Buffalo USA Pittsburgh USA
Cannes France Punta Arenas Chile
Chicago USA Rochester USA
Christchurch New Zealand Rome Italy
Cleveland USA Salt Lake City Spain
Concord USA San Sebastian Spain
Des Moines USA Sapporo Japan
Detroit USA Sioux Falls USA
Florence Italy Sochi Russia
Istanbul Turkey Stanley Falkland Islands
Kushiro Japan Toronto Canada
Madrid Spain Trelew  Argentina 
Marseilles France Valladolid Spain