March 12, 2018

Ireland - Artificial Intelligence: Ireland committed to digitisation of EU economy, says minister

Ireland’s commitment to the digitisation of the EU economy is to be raised during a high-level meeting in Brussels on Monday.

Minister for Trade Pat Breen will also discuss issues relating to EU competitiveness, including the 25th anniversary of the single market and EU industrial policy when he meets European commissioner for digital economy and society, Mariya Gabriel later.

The Clare TD said: “Digitisation is increasing on a vast scale and Ireland continues to be regarded as one of the EU’s digital front runners.

“We fully support the overall DSM (digital single market) agenda and the Government sees obvious synergies between digital policy initiatives at EU level and national policy.

“In particular, we want to underline the benefits to small and medium enterprises that the DSM will bring in terms of market access and opportunities for growth.

“In helping to progress the DSM, Ireland will continue to strive for outcomes which are pro-trade, pro-enterprise and pro-innovation.”

The DSM is one in which the free movement of people, services and capital is ensured, and where the individuals and businesses can seamlessly access and exercise online activities under conditions of fair competition, and a high level of consumer and personal data protection, irrespective of their nationality or place of residence.

The strategy was endorsed by the European Council in June 2015.
Meanwhile, artificial intelligence will be the central theme when Europe’s nine digital front runner countries meet in Dublin in May.

Mr Breen added: “Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an exciting development that is shaping a new reality for Irish businesses and creating significant new opportunities for innovation across all industries.
“The meeting in May will be an opportunity for both the international AI dimension and the Irish AI ecosystem to be showcased.”

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