April 26, 2018

France - US Relations: French President Emmanuel Macron rocks US Congress with great speech

French President Emmanuel Macron hit on the issues of climate change, nationalism, trade and the 2015 Iran nuclear deal in his speech to a joint session of US Congress, calling on the United States to engage more with the world.

After what has been seen as a friendly state visit to Washington, Macron's speech laid out a view of global leadership starkly different from US President Donald Trump's "America First."

What Macron said
  • The United States and France have a long history together
  • He criticized Trump's isolationist principles
  • Climate change is real. We have no Planet B
  • Macron is sure the US will someday come back to to the Paris Agreement
  • We must fight against fake news
  • Iran will never have nuclear weapons nuclear weapons
  • At a press conference later, Macron said he believed Trump would pull the US out of the Iran nuclear deal
"We have disagreements between the United States and France. It may happen, like in all families," Macron said.

Read more: French President Emmanuel Macron rocks US Congress with speech | News | DW | 25.04.2018