September 14, 2018

EU: The Netherlands moves to allow dual citizenship by 2019

The Dutch government is currently reviewing the country’s nationality law as part of an effort to allow dual citizenship by the spring of 2019.

According to Justice Minister Mark Harbers, the plan is to widen the Netherlands’ criteria for dual nationality. At present, naturalised Dutch citizens must renounce the nationality of their country of origin, unless they are married to a Dutch national.

The Netherlands is following in the steps of similar legislation that has been passed in Germany as most of the EU Member States prepare for Brexit.

The new law will allow first-generation migrants in the Netherlands to be holders of more than one passport, a move that would affect 87,000 first- and second-generation UK nationals living in the Netherlands. At the same time, children of Dutch nationals living abroad will not be forced to make a mutually exclusive choice about their nationality.

Up to 100,000 Dutch nationals living in the UK stand to have their children lose access to their EU citizenship if comprehensive reform regarding dual nationality is not in place prior to or immediately after Brexit comes into effect in March 2019. The Dutch government hopes to have completed the reform during the UK’s transition period out of the European Union through December 2020.

Read  more:The Netherlands moves to allow dual citizenship by 2019