November 7, 2018

US Mid -Term Elections: With Democrats taking control of the Congress, checks and balances have been restored to the US Political system, in what was a Trump Administration one party rule of America

Democrats took control of the House Tuesday night, a victory that will transform a Republican-controlled chamber that supported and protected President Trump into a legislative body ready to challenge and investigate him.

 GOP-held suburban seats around the country gave Democrats more than the 23 seats they needed to retake the majority, giving them control of Congress after being locked out of power since Trump took office last year.The Repunlicans still control the Senate

 The Democrats aim to quickly usher in a new era and tone in Washington, starting with a legislative package of anti-corruption measures aimed at strengthening ethics laws, protecting voter rights and cracking down on campaign finance abuses.

 With Democrats taking control of the Congress, checks and balances have been restored to the US Political system, in what was a Trump Administration one party rule of America.