February 7, 2019

Global Warming - The Netherlands and Belgium: Thousands of students join climate protests in the Netherlands - by Michael Staines

At least 10,000 students have skipped class in the Netherlands to join a major protest demanding greater action on climate change.

It comes as thousands of teenagers in Belgium skipped school for the fourth Thursday in a row to join the protests.

Similar marches have been held in Sweden, Germany and Switzerland.

It comes as scientists yesterday confirmed that the last five years have been the warmest on record.

Organisers of this afternoon's protest in The Hague in the Netherlands said they were aiming to send a wake-up call to politicians.

It comes after the Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency said the national target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by next year - when compared to 1990 levels - was out of reach.

Feeling proud: an estimated 10,000 students marching through The Hague to protest climate change. #klimaatspijbelaars #KlimaatSpijbelen pic.twitter.com/kH6lcyxtdX

Organizers say the movement is gathering momentum with a global protest scheduled for March

Read more: Thousands of students join climate protests in the