March 9, 2019

International Women's Day - The 10 worst countries in the world for women and the ten best - by Lia Ryerson

Syria was named the worst country for women this year, according to the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, and the Peace Research Institute of Oslo's global Women, Peace and Security Index.

The index measures women's well-being — based on factors such as justice, security, and inclusion — in 153 countries.

Here are the 10 worst countries in the world for women to live in:

10. Niger  9. Sudan  8. Mali  7. Iraq 6. Congo Democratic Republic 5. Central African Republic4. Pakistan 3. Yemen  2. Afghanistan  1. Syrian Arab Republic

As to the best countries for women to live in Denmark has overtaken Sweden as the best country in the world to live in for women, according to a 2018 ranking from US News & World Report.

Here are the ten best countries for women to live in: 

10. Germany 9. New Zealand  8. Australia 7. Switzerland 6. Canada 5. Finland 4.The Netherlands 3. Norway 2. Sweden 1. Denmark