April 6, 2019

Britain-Brexit: EU leaders divided over length of Brexitextension - by Pat Leahy and Patrick Smyth

EU leaders are likely to agree to a further extension of the Brexit process when they meet next week but are divided on whether to grant a short extension – as requested by UK prime minister Theresa May – or a longer period that opens the door for a possible reversal of Brexit.

High-level sources in Dublin and Brussels say discussions continue at European level with some countries, notably France, opposed to a long extension and continuing UK involvement in EU decision-making.

However, they expect that the outcome will be a long extension with conditions attached.

Fears that a future prime minister from the Brexiteer wing of the Conservative Party could disrupt EU business, such as selecting the next European Commission and approving the next seven-year budget, were heightened yesterday when leading Brexiteer MP Jacob Rees-Mogg suggested that the UK would block EU decisions if it remained in the bloc.

Read more at: EU leaders divided over length of Brexit extension