June 3, 2019

Car Industry - Electric Cars : Aiways could be first Chinese-brand EV sold in Europe - by Echo Huang

China’s automakers have long wanted to expand beyond their home market. While they’ve made a little progress in Southeast Asia and Africa, they’ve had scant success in developed markets like the US and Europe.

That isn’t stopping Aiways, an electric-vehicle startup based in Shanghai, from trying. The four-year-old company recently told Quartz it plans to offer its flagship car, the U5, in Germany, France, Switzerland, Norway, and the Netherlands next spring. If all goes to plan, Aiways will become the first Chinese-brand electric car offered in Europe.

The company’s strategy involves skipping dealerships and offering consumers direct online sales and leasing. That will help it reduce costs and compete with traditional gas guzzlers, Alexander Klose, vice president for overseas operation, told the Financial Times (paywall). The U5, he added, will be priced at less than €40,000 ($44,700).

  Read more at: Aiways could be first Chinese-brand EV sold in Europe — Quartz