June 12, 2019

The Netherlands - Cyber attacks: Digitization leaves the Netherlands vulnerable to cyber attacks: NCTV report says

The Netherlands is particularly vulnerable to IT failures and attacks because almost all vital processes and systems have been completely digitized with no analogue back-ups, the Dutch counter terrorism unit NCTV said on Wednesday.

‘The Netherlands is dependent on a limited number of providers and countries. This makes us vulnerable to changed intentions,’ the report said.

‘For example, a large part of the hard and software is designed and produced in China and the US.’ In addition, little expertise is needed to launch a cyber attack which could, for example, knock out gas, electricity and water supplies.

The best way to reduce the risks is to improve security systems. And while companies and government are taking action, they sometimes think the cost of the improvements are not worth it ‘until things go wrong,’ the NCTV said.

The biggest threats presently come from China, Russia and Iran, and a variety of hackersthe NCTV said, in a restatement of earlier reports.

Read more at: Digitization leaves the Netherlands vulnerable to cyber attacks: NCTV - DutchNews.nl - Live

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