July 20, 2019

Middle East Crises - Consequences of the Trump Administration dysfunctional Middle East policy: U.S. military has begun reoccupying Prince Sultan air base in Saudi Arabia - by Courtney Kube

"In June the U.S. military began moving equipment and hundreds of troops back to a military base in Saudi Arabia that the U.S. deserted more than 15 years ago, according to two U.S. officials familiar with the deployment.

Over the coming weeks the deployment to Prince Sultan Air Base, intended to counter the threat from Iran, will grow to include fighter jets and Patriot long-range missile defense systems, the officials said. The Patriots have already arrived at the base and should be operational in mid-July, while the aircraft are expected to arrive in August.

Several hundred U.S. service members are already on site preparing the facility south of Riyadh, which is controlled by the Royal Saudi Air Force, a number that will grown to more than 500 after the arrival of an air squadron.

The US officials said the deployment focuses on defensive capabilities, with Patriot batteries for missile defense and the fighter jets intended to defend U.S. forces on the ground. But they acknowledged the aircraft could be used offensively as well."

Note EU-Digest:  It seems that the wheels are coming off the Trump's Administration dysfunctional Middle East foreign policy, which, unfortunately, is getting very little in-depth scrutiny, by either the Press, or government sources, specially those in Europe. 

The fact is that the US, by unilaterally getting out of the Iran Nuclear Agreement, signed by the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Germany, and the EU, back in 2015, is the direct cause of the present crisis in the Middle East.  

Read more: U.S. military has begun reoccupying Prince Sultan air base in Saudi Arabia

The Digest Group

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