July 27, 2019

The Netherlands: Nato assembly document confirms US nuclear bombs are in NL

One of the worst kept Dutch military secrets, that US nuclear weapons are being stored at the Dutch airbase in Volkel, has been been confirmed in a draft report to the Nato parliament.

The information is contained in a document drawn up for discussion in the Nato parliamentary assembly on June 1, entitled ‘A new era for nuclear deterrence? Modernisation, arms control and allied nuclear forces.’

The report was written by a member of the Nato parliamentary assembly’s defense committee and is not an official Nato document, the organisation told DutchNews.nl.

‘Nato PA reports are public documents based soley on open source information,’ the Nato PA press service said. The report’s compiler discovered the slip and has removed the sentence in a new version of the report which was published on July 11.

The original document states that the US forward deploys 150 nuclear weapons for use by US and allied aircraft.

These, it says, are stored at six US and European bases, including Volkel in the Netherlands and Kleine Brogel in Belgium as well as bases in Germany, Italy and Turkey.

Note EU-Digest: This will make Europe an immediate target for any attack from a foreign aggressive military source. As someone suggested: "lnstead of storing these weapons in Europe, why not keep them in the basement of the White House in the US"

Read more at:
Nato assembly document confirms US nuclear bombs are in NL - DutchNews.nl

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