April 15, 2020

USA: Trump halts World Health Organization funding amid coronavirus pandemic: byJeff Mason

President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would halt funding to the World Health Organization over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic while his administration reviews its response to the global crisis.

Trump told a White House news conference the WHO had “failed in its basic duty and it must be held accountable.” He said the group had promoted China’s “disinformation” about the virus that likely led to a wider outbreak of the virus than otherwise would have occurred.

The United States is the biggest overall donor to the Geneva-based WHO, contributing more than $400 million in 2019, roughly 15% of its budget.

The hold on funding was expected. Trump has been increasingly critical of the organization as the global health crisis has continued, and he has reacted angrily to criticism of his administration’s response.

Note EU-Digest: In February Trump praised the WHO for the great work they were doing with China on fighting the Coronavirus, while at the same time he did nothing to prepare America for the onslaught of the virus. Trump now blames everyone else, including the WHO for his total mismanagement of the fight against the coronavirus in America. The WHO in Geneva.is a dedicated and professional organization, in service of humanity, to improving health and sanitation around the globe. 

Trump's rambling accusations and lies constantly contradict his earlier TV recorded statements. Trump is a disgrace to America.

Read more at: Trump halts World Health Organization funding amid coronavirus pandemic - Reuters