April 23, 2020

The Netherlands: Hospital admissions, deaths show steady downward trend

There has been a slight
rise in the number of coronavirus patients admitted to hospital, the
Dutch public health institute RIVM said on Thursday.

The number of new admissions, 137, is up 13 on Wednesday and takes the
total number of admissions since the pandemic began to 10,158.

The official death toll rose by 123, taking the official total to 4,177.
However, the real figure could be as much as twice as high, because
only people who have tested for the disease are included.

Nevertheless, the number of both hospital admissions and deaths continue
to show a steady decrease, the RIVM said.

Read more at DutchNews.nl:There has been a slight rise in the number of coronavirus patients admitted to hospital, the Dutch public health institute RIVM said on Thursday.
There has been a slight rise in the number of coronavirus patients admitted to hospital, the Dutch public health institute RIVM said on Thursday.

The number of new admissions, 137, is up 13 on Wednesday and takes the total number of admissions since the pandemic began to 10,158. The official death toll rose by 123, taking the official total to 4,177.

However, the real figure could be as much as twice as high, because only people who have tested for the disease are included. Nevertheless, the number of both hospital admissions and deaths continue to show a steady decrease, the RIVM said.

Read more at: Hospital admissions, deaths show steady downward trend: RIVM - DutchNews.nl