July 25, 2020

The Netherlands: Alarm in Netherlands as Covid-19 cases and reproduction rate climb

European neighbours, the Netherlandscould now be facing a crisis – with the level of infection almost doubling in one week, combined with a worrying increase in the
reproduction rate of the virus.

Latest figures from the public health institute – now issued weekly rather than daily – show
that 987 new cases were recorded during the week July 15th-21st, compared with 534 the previous week, a rise than cannot be accounted for statistically by increased mass testing.

At the same time, the healthinstitute says the reproduction rate rose during that week to 1.29, thefirst time since March that it’s been higher than 1. A reproduction rateof more than one means that, on average, every patient is infectingmore than one other person – and so the number of cases is rising.

Worrying too – as hugenumbers leave this weekend for stay-at-home holidays in rural parts of the country – is that young adults in their 20s are now almost as likely to be infected as those over 50, an extraordinary turn around in the behaviour of the disease.

Read more at:
Alarm in Netherlands as Covid-19 cases and reproduction rate climb