September 8, 2020

The Netherlands: Sudden rise in Dutch coronavirus infections continues

Public health agency RIVM announced on Saturday that 654 more people were diagnosed with a SARS  week's total of new infections up to 3,732, up 21 percent compared to the same point last week. The Netherlands will conclude the week with more new infections from Monday through Sunday for the first time in three weeks.

It was not immediately clear if the increase in infections was linked to an increase in testing, or an increase in the percentage of people producing a positive test result.

That information was expected to be released in a weekly report from the RIVM on Tuesday. To date, about 74,500 people in the Netherlands have tested positive for the virus.

The RIVM also said that between Wednesday and Friday, 17 more people have been admitted to a Dutch hospital with Covid-19, the illness caused by the infection. Six people were also moved into intensive care during that time.

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Sudden rise in Dutch coronavirus infections continues | NL Times