September 17, 2020

The Netherlands must be ready for serious economic setbacks, says king

The Netherlands must ready itself for serious economic setbacks, king Willem Alexander said on Tuesday afternoon, in his official speech to  mark the start of the parliamentary year.

The Dutch economy and government finances are healthy and financial  buffers have been built up over the past few years which we can now  benefit from, the king said. ‘Now we have to ready ourselves for the  consequences of a serious economic setback, which will impact the  economy and government finances in the long term,’ he said.

Much  depends on how long coronavirus keeps us in its grip, he said. ‘But the  recent figures and prognoses are unheard of in peace time,’ he said.  The economic setbacks facing our biggest European and global trading  partners are in many cases even greater. For an open country like the  Netherlands, with its focus on trade and exports, this is an extra  complication, especially in the wake of Brexit.’

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