October 8, 2020

The Netherlands: brief overview of the Dutch governmental budget for 2021 - by Rachel Deloughry

The big question for anyone working in the Netherlands is how, when and to what extent the economic downturn due to the coronavirus will affect public finances in the long term. According to CBP, the Dutch economy will grow by 3,5 percent next year. Thanks, in part, to the support package for companies, unemployment is at the rate of 5,9 percent as opposed to the previously feared rate of 6,5 percent.

Here are the main points regarding the Dutch economy:
  • The economy will contract by 5 percent in 2020 but will grow by 3,5 percent in 2021 provided there is no second lockdown
  • National debt will reach 60 percent of GDP
  • Unemployment will be at 5,9 percent
  • Higher spending on unemployment benefits will reach an overspend of 230 million euros
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A brief overview of the Dutch governmental budget for 2021