December 31, 2020

The Netherlands: 60 new laws & rules take effect in the Netherlands from January 1

With a new year comes a host of law changes, new rules, and regulations to be implemented in the Netherlands. The Dutch government is enforcing dozens of these new laws as of January 1, 2021. Every year, NL Times compiles a roundup of these rule changes for non-Dutch speaking people.

An important basic income tax rate will fall slightly, minimum wage will rise slightly, and people with savings and investments will be able to claim a higher exemption from the income tax on Box 3 assets. All told there are about 15 different changes coming into effect next year, and nearly all of them will affect a person's net earnings and tax payments in 2021.

A 12 percent increase on the tax airline passengers pay when flying from Dutch airports, a change in the tax scheme on car purchases, and a tax discount for those buying an electric car with solar panels are among the seven different changes coming into effect next year. Classic car fans with a love for cars made before 1971 will no longer have to get their vehicles inspected.

Read more at: 60 new laws & rules take effect in the Netherlands from January 1 | NL Times