January 9, 2021

The Netherlands- coronavirus vaccinations: more action required by Rutte Government to speed-up vaccination process and prioritise the vulnerable elderly

The rising number of people testing positive for COVID-19 in the Netherlands coupled with the new threat from mutant variants, makes it more urgent to vaccinate the oldest and most vulnerable, experts say.

Vaccine supplies are now coming into the Netherlands, and doctors say they need to get them into many more arms. So far Prime Minister Mark Rutte has not been very clear explaining how he plans to speed-up the vaccine rollout or give a precise schedule on the plan of action.

More than 60 per cent of COVID-19 deaths in the Netherlands have been among residents at the elder care homes and those aged 70 and older, according to an epidemiology update. More hands-on action is needed urgently.

Read more at: Almere-Digest