January 14, 2021

The Netherlands: Dutch lockdown extended: Curfew under consideration, Schools could open early; PM: Don’t Travel - A confused message, also no clarity on vaccination schedules

The hard lockdown approach in the Netherlands since December 15 to combat the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus will continue until at least February 9. Further, the ruling Dutch Cabinet will definitely consider the option of imposing a curfew in the Netherlands to make a deeper dent in the number of new coronavirus infections in the country, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said during a nationally televisies press conference on Tuesday night.

“A curfew is a drastic measure that no one is hoping for,” Rutte said. He said that the Outbreak Management Team has said the curfew could have a favorable impact, but the Cabinet must also take into account the difficulty of the current lockdown situation for many people. “That is why there is a lot to be said for getting the maximum effect. We are going to ask the OMT for urgent advice on what a curfew can bring us."

Read more at: Dutch lockdown extended: Curfew under consideration, Schools could open early; PM: Don’t Travel | NL Times