February 28, 2021

Vaccine nationalism won’t defeat the pandemic – by Sharan Burrow

Scientists are performing magnificently in developing vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus with unprecedented speed, but BigPharma is calling the shots and governments are being left to squabble over what are, to begin with, inadequate supplies. Vaccine nationalism is rearing its ugly head, with devastating consequences for poorer countries and eventually for the whole world.

The moral and humanitarian case for fair access to vaccination is obvious and so is the public-health case: where vaccines are scarce, there will be more cases, each one an opportunity for the virus to continue to mutate, as all RNA viruses do. This means new variants could emerge which are different enough from the original virus that existing vaccines won’t work against it them. If those circulate widely, people who have been vaccinated will once again be susceptible to severe illness and death.

Read more at: Vaccine nationalism won’t defeat the pandemic – Sharan Burrow