April 5, 2021

The Netherlands: Lawmakers censure Dutch PM Rutte over coalition talks- by MIKE CORDER

Netherlands (AP) — Caretaker Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s political future was in doubt Friday after lawmakers passed a motion of censure against him that was filed by two parties in his own outgoing coalition.

The politically damaging move came at the end of a marathon parliamentary debate about the stalled process to form a new government following elections last month. Opposition lawmakers accused Rutte of lying and undermining public trust in politicians. He narrowly survived a motion of no-confidence.

It was a stunning fall from grace just over two weeks after his conservative party won the most seats in parliament in the election, putting him in line to form his fourth governing coalition and possibly become the country’s longest-serving prime minister.<

Read more at: https://apnews.com/article/mark-rutte-netherlands-europe-elections-338dc3293ec7bf1ac206c9f3659caea1