May 3, 2021

Netherlands - USA Criminal cooperation: Netherlands seeking extradition of former Miss. deputy in connection to murder

The Netherlands is seeking the extradition of a former Mississippi sheriff’s deputy in connection to the murder of a German national living in the Netherlands in November 2019.

William Lyle Johnson, of Hattiesburg, was arrested by federal authorities Wednesday after the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Southern Mississippi filed an extradition complaint Tuesday.

According to the complaint, Johnson is wanted in the Netherlands on several charges, including preparation of murder, incitement and/or accessory to murder, preparation of extortion resulting in death and hostage-taking.

Johnson is accused of being involved in the murder of Thomas Schwarz, whose body was found in a pool of blood in his Limburg home in the Netherlands on Nov. 26, 2019.

Read more at: Netherlands seeking extradition of former Miss. deputy in connection to murder