January 17, 2022

The Netherlands - Colonial Past:The Golden Coach and colonialism: Dutch royal family to temporarily stop using carriage due to colonial ties - by Sana Noor and HaqMick Krever

King Willem-Alexander has said the Dutch royal family will temporarily stop using the Golden Coach until "the Netherlands is ready," following criticism of colonial ties to the horse-drawn carriage.

"Our history contains much to be proud of. At the same time, it also offers learning material for faults to recognize and to avoid in the future," King Willem-Alexander, the ruling monarch in the Netherlands, said in a video message published on the royal family's verified YouTube account on Thursday.

"We cannot rewrite the past. We can try to come to terms with it together. That also applies to the colonial past. Instead, a collective effort is needed that goes deeper and lasts longer. An effort that unites us rather than divides us."

Read more at: The Golden Coach and colonialism: Dutch royal family to temporarily stop using carriage due to colonial ties - CNN Style