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Showing posts with label Advertising. Show all posts

May 22, 2021

The Netherlands: Amsterdam to become first city in the world to ban advertising by fossil fuels companies

Amsterdam is set to be the first city in the world to ban ads from fossil fuel and aviation companies in a bid to reduce the ‘excesses’ of fossil fuel advertising.

This means that fossil-fuelled vehicles, such as petrol cars and flights, will no longer be advertised in Amsterdam subway stations or the city centre.

The new law follows mass movements in and around the capital which were headed up by the Reclame Fossielvrij (Fossil Free Advertising) initiative. The group co-ordinated a letter from over 50 local organisations demanding Amsterdam to go fossil free.

“The decision to ban fossil fuel advertising from subway stations comes at a crucial moment in the fight against climate change. Adverts that portray fossil fuels as normal worsen climate disruption and have no place in a city − or a country − that has complied with Paris,” says Amsterdam Mayor Femke Sleegers, coordinator of Reclame Fossielvrij.

Read more at: Amsterdam to become first city in the world to ban this type of advert | Euronews

October 11, 2014

May you live in interesting times - How Global Developments Impact On Your Life - editorial

May you live in interesting times"  -  While purporting to be a blessing, this is in fact a curse. The expression is always used ironically, with the clear implication that 'uninteresting times', of peace and tranquility, are more life-enhancing than interesting ones.

"May you live in interesting times" is also  widely reported as being of ancient Chinese origin but is really neither Chinese nor ancient, being recent and western. It certainly seems to have been intended to sound oriental, in the faux-Chinese 'Confucius he say' style, but that's as near to China as it actually gets.

The saying probably refers back to the days before the second world war when British PM Neville Chamberlain used it to described the state of the world at that time.

Tying the state of world affairs from Chamberlain's days to the present we could  probably quite appropriately use the French saying: Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose - the more it changes - the more it stays the same.  Or, the fact is - history repeats itself.

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