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Showing posts with label Perceptions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perceptions. Show all posts

October 21, 2015

The Netherlands: Refugees: "it is all about perception" - by RM

Het is verbazingwekkend hoe negatief sommige mensen in Europa (Nederland) reageren op de vluctelingenstroom uit het Midden Oosten o.a. Syria.

Als morgen Amsterdam en Rotterdam zouden worden gebombardeerd dan zou de rest van Nederland en Belgie ook overstroomd worden door Nederlandse vluchtelingen die een veilg onderkomen zochten.

De vluchtelingen uit het Midden Oosten komen met dat zelfde doel naar Noord Europa en vooral niet omdat ze het leuk vinden of voor het mooie weer..

Ze komen omdat ze uit hun huizen en banen zijn gedreven door een oorlog, die vanwege onze eigen kortzichtige buitenlandse politiek en apatische opstelling, zonder eigen mening en vooral omdat wij ons in deze als schoothondje gedragen van Amerika - samen met al de andere bondgenoten in de Nato.  Het Amerika dat na de tweede wereld-oorlog geen enkel sukes op militair gebied heeft geboekt.

Laat ze maar komen die vluchtelingen, hopenlijk worden wij hierdoor in Europa wat minder egoïstisch en meer verdraagzaam.

English Translation
It's amazing how negative some people in Europe (Netherlands ) respond to the stream of refugees coming from the Middle East and specifically Syria .

 If tomorrow Amsterdam and Rotterdam would be bombed than the rest of the Netherlands and Belgium would a;so be flooded by Dutch refugees who sought safe shelter.

These refugees from the Middle East come with that same objective to Northern Europe not because they like it, or for the good weather.

They come because they have been driven from their homes and jobs by a war as a result of Europe's apathy and its own myopic foreign policy, based on functioning as the lapdog of America - along with all the other allies in the NATO.  An America, which after the second world war has not concluded any succesful military campaign.

Let them come, these refugees, hopefully this will lead to a less selfish and more tolerant Europe


December 11, 2014

Torture USA - Poll : Despite Report, US Voters Still (sadly) See Value in CIA Interrogation Tactics

On the heels of the Senate’s scathing report on the Central Intelligence Agency’s interrogation practices, nearly half of U.S. voters are in favor of the harsh tactics used and think they elicited valuable information that helped the United States.

Forty-seven percent (47%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe waterboarding and other aggressive interrogation techniques should be used to gain information from suspected terrorists. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 33% do not think such methods should be used, but another 20% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Note EU-Digest::  the above Rasmussen poll  also shows,  that on  average, US voters are not  capable of being able to make intelligentand realistic judgements on moral issues. 

This sad state of affairs was also proven by a recent Pew Research report on "gun control" versus "gun rights", which stated: 

"For the first time in more than two decades of Pew Research Center surveys, there is more support for gun rights than gun control. Currently, 52% say it is more important to protect the right of Americans to own guns, while 46% say it is more important to control gun ownership. Support for gun rights has edged up from earlier this year, and marks a substantial shift in attitudes since shortly after the Newtown school shootings, which occurred two years ago this Sunday….Nearly six-in-ten Americans (57%) say gun ownership does more to protect people from becoming victims of crime, while 38% say it does more to endanger personal safety. In the days after Newtown, 48% said guns do more to protect people and 37% said they placed people at risk."

Read more: Despite Report, Voters Still See Value in CIA Interrogation Tactics - Rasmussen Reports™