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Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts

May 4, 2020

USA: Trump's Nazification of the GOP is why there's serious discussion of killing off the 'unfit'

Under Donald Trump, the Republican Party is racing toward a  transformation that mimics the greatest evil of the 20th century. Long  before the Nazis fully engaged with genocidal murder against the Jews, there were persecutions of people deemed "unfit."

These were people whom Adolf Hitler’s extremists arbitrarily deemed  insufficiently able to contribute to the greater German society. They included the infirm, people with learning disabilities, the mentally  ill, those suffering from epilepsy, the physically disabled, and those sruggling with alcohol issues.

According to the Nazis' white supremacist ideology, those  people were not only impediments to their quest in perfecting their  master race, but were also economic burdens to society. The Nazis  started a campaign of propaganda to mock them. They were called  "unworthy of life” and labeled as "useless eaters." The propaganda even  expanded to math textbooks, which were revised to include arithmetic problems on how much it costs to care for these undesirables. This was the first stage.

Read more at: Trump's Nazification of the GOP is why there's serious discussion of killing off the 'unfit'

March 6, 2016

European Opinion: The changing face of the USA - by Gero Schließ

History is being written right now in America. That is always exciting. But in this case it is also dramatic. An entire country is changing before our eyes. Though he may not have started it, Donald Trump is the man who is now speeding up and steering this process in a very dangerous direction. Like a bulldozer on a rampage, he is destroying the foundations of this freedom-loving and once so self-assured nation.

And the country is letting him do it. Trump insults women - then gets more votes from them than his Republican rivals. He endorses liberal abortion policies, advertises for sex clubs in his casinos and stomps on Christian values - yet he has the support of ultra-conservative Evangelical Christians. Indeed, the list of those Trump has insulted goes on and on.

The country seems rotten, like a once mighty tree that is leaning precariously. It remains to be seen if it can weather the gathering storm or will come crashing down.

In the eyes of a growing number of voters, the country's elite, which only thinks of itself, is also rotten. It is an elite that, despite the country's economic well-being, has starved the middle-class and robbed them of the fruits of their labor. The fact that more and more Americans are growing angry is understandable. But the conclusions that they are reaching are not.

Read more: Opinion: The changing face of the USA | Opinion | DW.COM | 05.03.2016