President Erdogan, who is supposed to be above politics, is up to his
eyeballs in a campaign to win constitutional changes that give him
unprecedented power.
It’s less than four weeks to go before parliamentary elections in
Turkey on June 7, and it looks like President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is
panicking. Or worse.
A popular refrain among his political
opponents, and on the street, is that Erdogan has lost his marbles and
is driven by an insatiable appetite for power. Ever since he moved into a
lavish 1,100-room palace in Ankara last year, Erdogan has been accused
of succumbing to an out-of-control urge for grandeur.
Kurdish politician
Abdullah Zeydan says the president “thinks he is a sultan.” Meral
Aksener, a nationalist politician and deputy speaker of parliament,
claims Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was telling people behind closed
doors that Erdogan “is out of his mind.”
“Obviously, there is panic,” said Yavuz Baydar, a respected journalist.
a minimum there is frustration for the president of this country with
huge strategic importance, which has the second largest army in NATO and
borders Iran, Iraq and Syria or, if you will, the Islamic State.
the course of 12 years in power, first as prime minister and since last
year as president, Erdogan has overseen unprecedented economic stability
and growth in Turkey, trimmed the power of the military, with its long
history of coups and its reputation as “the deep state,” and entered
into an important dialogue with Kurdish politicians and even Kurdish
But polls say Erdogan, 61, will probably fail to get the
majority he wants to push through sweeping constitutional changes to
give himself unlimited but as yet unspecified power as president.
economy has grown sluggish of late, unemployment is on the rise, and the
political opposition is resurgent, all of which spells trouble for
Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). Some polls suggest
the AKP could even lose its majority in parliament.
Read more: Turks Are Wondering if Their President Is Insane - The Daily Beast