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September 25, 2016

POLAND: population rejects Right-Win Gpvernment pplicies

Tens of thousands march against right-wing government in Poland Tens of thousands of protesters hit the streets of the Polish capital Warsaw Saturday to rally against moves by the rightwing Law and Justice government that they say undermine the rule of law.

September 24, 2016

Outer Space: colonizing Mars

Elon Musk To Share His Mars Colonization Plans

September 21, 2016

Britain: the complexities of Tony Blair his Business Connections

Tony Blair is closing his complex business empire but will still work with JPMorgan

September 20, 2016

Terrorism: a perfect storm

Financing terrorism: 'The refugee crisis is the perfect storm' In her book "Merchants of Men", Italian terrorist financing expert Loretta Napoleoni investigates the multi-billion dollar human trafficking industry. She tells FRANCE 24 how this criminal underworld is connected to jihadist groups.

Middle East: UN Suspends all aid to Syria

UN Suspending Aid to Syria
When will this carnage end? Russia, US, EU, Britain, France, NATO, Turkey are all responsible for not doing anything, instead of blaming each other, while the weapons industry is laughing all the way to the bank. Scandelous and shameless.

Natural Medicine: Tumeric getting high marks as a natural Medicine

Could turmeric really boost your health? -