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May 19, 2018

NATO: cooperation between NATO, Facebook and Atlantic Council questionable say Russians

Facebook & Atlantic Council unite: Now social media giant serves NATO’s agenda

For the complete report go to;

Cancer research: could viagra and flu vaccine combat cancer

A mix of Viagra and the flu vaccine could treat cancer

For the complete report go to:

May 16, 2018

USA: Donald Trump the Ego Maniac awards himself the Noble Prize

Trump Orders Replica Nobel Peace Prize to Display on His Desk
For the complete report go to link:

May 15, 2018

Cancer treatment: exercise should be part of the treatment

Chemo, radiation, therapy — and don't forget exercise

Read the complete report at: Shared via the CBC News Android App

May 14, 2018

Middle East: israeli troops kill 52 Palestinians at Gaza borde

Clashes erupt in Gaza as US Embassy in Jerusalem opens

Read the cpmplete report at :

May 13, 2018

The Netherlands: Almere listed number one when it comes to economic growth in the Netherlands.

Read the complete report report at :

May 12, 2018

Turkey - on the road to disaster or rebirth?

For the full report go to: