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September 19, 2019

The Netherlands - Terrorism: Explosives found at Veenendaal market area

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September 18, 2019

EU-Brexit chaos is lesson to other EU states, ECB governor says

British chaos over Brexit has dampened other member states' potential appetite for leaving Europe, Villeroy de Galhau, a French governor of the European Central Bank (ECB), said Tuesday. "It is a gratitude we have to the British today," he said at an event in the London School of Economics, Reuters reported, in comments which risked giving ammunition to British claims the EU was trying to punish the UK for leaving.


Read more: Brexit chaos is lesson to other EU states, ECB governor say


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The Netherlands: the Dutch Healthcare system is among the most costly in Europe - by RM

Dutch citizens did not get a good deal under the current Dutch health insurance law.

It has become an extremely expensive business to get health Insurance in the Netherlands.   

Especially if you add up  all the costs.

First of all there is the obligatory deductible of Euro 385, then the monthly premium, which  on average is around Euro 250 per month.

That makes a total "out of pocket expense" of Euro 3,385 per year, and even than you are not there yet.

There are also a variety of  other provisions, whereby certain costs incurred for pharmaceuticals, and medical services, are not reimbursed.

Not only is Dutch healthcare  too costly for the average citizen, it also is a cash machine for Dutch Insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry.

Healthcare Insurance services and costs should also be uniformly regulated throughout the EU, which is not the case right now.

It is high time that the "political establishment" and the voters start paying more attention to the fact that this issue needs to get fixed without delay. 


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September 17, 2019

NETHERLANDS: Dutch economy strong, but vulnerable to international developments

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September 16, 2019

Middle East - Iran: President Trump Tweets About Possible Iran Strike After Saudi Arabia Oil Bombing

In this edition of America First, the President of the United States tweeted that we're "locked and loaded" to go to war with Iran and we're just waiting for Saudi Arabia to tell us what to do. This really is not an exaggeration. "Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked," Donald Trump said on the Tweet Machine. "There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!"

Yes, we are waiting for word from Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman—the guy who allegedly orders journalists critical of him chopped up and thrown in an oven in the backyard of one of his ambassadors, who leads the regime that is helping to perpetuate a human-rights catastrophe in Yemen using American-made weapons, the same regime that just happens to be spending a fortune at Trump's hotels. If the crown prince gives us the go-ahead, we're bombing Iran! America First.

You would think that, having just marked the 18th anniversary of September 11—a reminder we're now poised to send kids to Afghanistan who were not born when the attacks happened—we'd be a little more worried about getting pulled into another quagmire of death and suffering. You would think that, at this point, we would be re-evaluating our strategy in the region, including our unbreakable bond with Saudi Arabia. And yet you could flip on Fox News this morning and find a Democratic senator from a solid-blue state mongering the war.

How many times are we going to do this? What is the best-case scenario if we enter armed conflict with Iran, which has missiles that can reach deep into Europe and a standing army of well over half a million people? Will we just bomb them and run? Will we try to topple the regime? Who will rise to power in the vaccuum? What would victory even look like? Can anyone tell us what it will look like in the multiple armed conflicts we're already engaged in nearby?

Have we learned fucking anything? How many American kids have to die in the sand and rock before we learn the United States cannot win when it starts blowing things up in the Middle East?

Read more: President Trump Tweets About Possible Iran Strike After Saudi Arabia Oil Bombing
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September 15, 2019

Big Pharma: playing dangerous games with human health

Big Pharma nixes new drugs despite impending 'antibiotic apocalypse'

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September 14, 2019

The Netherlands: Dutch multi-nationals will be forced to pay profit tax

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