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June 22, 2020

NATO: France and Turkey fracture Nato on Libya - "as Erdogan plays a dangerous game he could lose"- by Andrew Rettman

"Who cares about the EU or NATO ? Trump  agrees with me"
Nato is to investigate French allegations that Turkish warships targeted a French one in a confrontation over the Libya conflict, which has divided allies.

"The incident in the Mediterranean [Sea] was addressed in the meeting by several allies", Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg said after Nato defence ministers held video-talks on Thursday (18 June).

"We have made sure that Nato military authorities are investigating the incident to bring full clarity to what happened," he said.

Turkish warships locked their weapons systems on to a French frigate called the Courbet, which was part of a Nato monitoring mission called Sea Guardian, on 10 June, according to France.

And they did it in order to slip through yet another illegal shipment of arms to Turkey's ally in the Libya civil war, the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA), France said.

Note EU-Digest:  Curious - Whenever, or each time we put the President of Turkey's name ,Erdogan into the "Labels" column of our blog (EU-Digest), we were posting, the blog reported an error, and we had to go back and re-post the entire content of the blog, and rewrite the "labels"  removing Erdogan's name for it to work. Does this mean censorship by either some internal or external "source", or is it a real technical error? This is not the first time it happened when other sensitive issues were published.

Read more at:
France and Turkey fracture Nato on Libya

June 21, 2020

USA - Wholesale - Costco: The Enduring Enigma of Costco's $1.50 Hot Dog and Soda Combo

When Costco president W. Craig Jelinek once complained to Costco co-founder and former CEO Jim Sinegal that their monolithic warehouse business was losing money on their famously cheap $1.50 hot dog and soda package, Sinegal listened, nodded, and then did his best to make his take on the situation perfectly clear. 

"If you raise [the price of] the effing hot dog, I will kill you," Sinegal said. "Figure it out."

Read more at: The Enduring Enigma of Costco's $1.50 Hot Dog and Soda Combo

The Netherlands - Housing: The Netherlands struggling to meet housing demand

In the Netherlands, the number of homeless people has doubled in recent years and 300,000 new houses are urgently needed. But because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the yearly target will not be met.

To create both houses and jobs, local officials and developers havemade an urgent plea to the government to invest billions of Euros.

Read more at: 
The Netherlands struggling to meet housing demand | Netherlands 2017 News | Al Jazeera

June 18, 2020

The Netherlands: EVA architecten completes energy-neutral special education school in the Netherlands

The school is specifically designed for special education  cluster 2, where the overview for student and teacher is of great  importance. each group room has its own toilet and an additional workplace as a shelter zone. each cluster of four group rooms has its own learning area adjacent to the central patio. the patio orms a resting point where both pupils and teachers can isolate and relax. the patio provides daylight on the learning squares and connects the different clusters spatially and visually.T

Read more at:
EVA architecten completes energy-neutral special education school in the netherlands

June 17, 2020

Belgium - Netherlands: In a town of two nations, Belgian bars are shuttered. Dutch pubs will soon be open across the street

Like so many small business owners, Monic van der Krogt has been hit hard by the coronavirus. The terrace of her cafe and beer garden in this small Belgian town sits empty.

Her story, though, is not entirely universal. While her town is Belgian,bit's also Dutch -- or at least partially. Walk two minutes down theroad, and you're in the Netherlands. Walk a bit further, and you're back in Belgium.

Read more at`
In a town of two nations, Belgian bars are shuttered. Dutch pubs will soon be open across the street - CNN

June 16, 2020

The Netherlands: The Simple Dutch Cure for Stress

Recently I was in San Francisco, a city known for its tech companies, steep hills, and fierce winds. Each day’d run around the neighborhood and up through the park, ending with aspectacular view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Back in my AirBnB, I’d feelenergized and refreshed, fingers tingling from the breeze. It was cold, exhausting, but completely exhilarating.

As it turns out, there’s a unique term, from the Dutch, for this sort of pastime. In the Netherlands, people have been seeking out windy exercise for more than a hundred years. Today, the practice is so common that it’s known as “uitwaaien.” It “literally translates to‘outblowing,’” explains Caitlin Meyer, a lecturer at the University of Amsterdam’s Department of Dutch Linguistics. “It’s basically theactivity of spending time in the wind, usually by going for a walk or abike ride.” Meyer has lived in the Netherlands for more than 20 yearsand has come to specialize in the language, despite being a non-nativespeaker. She says uitwaaien is a popular activity where she lives—onebelieved to have important psychological benefits. “Uitwaaien issomething you do to clear your mind and feel refreshed—out with the badair, in with the good,” she tells me. “It’s seen as a pleasant, easy, and relaxing experience—a way to destress or escape from daily life.”

Read more at :
The Simple Dutch Cure for Stress