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December 14, 2020

The Netherlands: Why the country goes in strict lockdown, while Belgium doesn't

The Netherlands will go into a “strict lockdown” from midnight to stave off the rising coronavirus infections, but Belgium

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announce a strict lockdown at 7:00 PM today, but a large part of the content already made it to the press, including measures such as the closure of schools, non-essential stores, museums, hairdressers and theatres. Like in Belgium, bars and restaurants in the country had already been closed for some time.

Read more at: Why the Netherlands goes into strict lockdown, but Belgium doesn't

December 13, 2020

The Mysterious Universe: the link between Christianity and the Universe ia well established and no mystery to believers - by RM

On a clear night, when you look up to the sky and see the billions of twinkling stars, of which many support planets, like the planet we live on, we would be completely ignorant not to question the existence of life on other planets.The concept of the Universe, however, already is a mystery, which can only lead you to a Creator for its origin, because there is no other reliable technical or mathematical way to explain it.

So, ultimately, the discovery of intelligent aliens isn't likely to pose a serious crisis for Christianity, who believe in a Creator .They also believe that the penalty for those that sin is death (Romans 6:23). They believe that to rectify the circumstances they are in, God sent His only Son Jesus to die in their place, to take their punishment for sin (Romans 5:8). After Jesus’ death, He arose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-6). Jesus is the only way to God (John 14:6) and He provides the blessing of salvation. Each person has the choice to receive or reject our Creator's gift through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) and experience new birth (John 3:1-8).

If all this doesn't sound like it comes from the Creator of the Universe, I do not know what will. So don't worry about or deny the existence of aliens.


December 12, 2020

Netherlands-Russian Relations: Netherlands expels two Russians after uncovering 'espionage network'

he Netherlands has expelled two alleged Russian spies who were working in the country as diplomats, its intelligence service says.

They are accused of targeting the high-tech sector and building a "substantial network of sources" in the industry.

The two individuals were working for Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Dutch officials said.

Russia described the accusations as "unfounded" and said the decision to expel its citizens was "provocative".

Read more at: Netherlands expels two Russians after uncovering 'espionage network' - BBC News

December 11, 2020

The Netherlands: Non-EU citizens must present negative Covid tests at Dutch borders from Tuesday

From 6 p.m. Tuesday, non-European Union and Schengen citizens will have to present negative Covid-19 test results and and a completed negative test declaration form when they enter the Netherlands by air or by sea. From January 1, when the transition period following Brexit will have ended, the new rule for entry into the country will also apply to most British people without a residence permit from a European Union nation.

”The United Kingdom has left the EU, and the transition period ends on 31 December 2020. This means that, as of 1 January 2021, passengers arriving in the Netherlands from the UK by air or sea also have to present a negative test result and declaration, unless they fall within an exemption category,” four Dutch ministries said in a statement.

Read more at: Non-EU citizens must present negative Covid tests at Dutch borders from Tuesday | NL Times

December 10, 2020

The Netherlands - Coronavirus: Reactions to Christmas coronavirus measures in the Netherlands

On Tuesday evening, around 5,5 million people tuned in to watch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Health Minister Hugo de Jonge’s press conference, in which they announced that no coronavirus measures would be relaxed over Christmas.

On the whole, this decision didn't come as much of a surprise, as the number of coronavirus infections in the Netherlands remains high. However, there were some that had hoped for some good news on December 8.

Business owners have become increasingly frustrated with the enforced closure of the catering industry, but were left hoping for some good news after a document from the Ministry of Economic Affairs leaked on Tuesday afternoon. The document stated that, based on figures from the National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM), the catering industry actually only had a very limited impact on the national r-number.

Read more at: Reactions to Christmas coronavirus measures in the Netherlands

December 8, 2020

The Netherlands: Another one: Hiker finds a new metal monolith in the Netherlands: "a message from aliens from outerspace, or just a hoax?"

Strange metal monoliths are materialising everywhere, in California, Romania, the Isle of Wight and, according to the latest reports, the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. Their rate of appearance is quickening: barely 24 hours separate photos of the lone sentinel on the Isle of Wight’s Compton Beach and the new European manifestations. As these silent messengers follow those seen at wider intervals in Utah, California and Romania it seems that their message is becoming more urgent, the time of their revelation imminent.

One thing is clear to people all around the world, the metal monolith saga will not be ending any time soon as another one has been spotted in the Netherlands.

Similar to the ones in Utah, Romania, California and Britain, the Netherlands, too, has added its name to the list of places where the monolith mystery has itched its place.

"I walked up to it, but there was nothing to be seen around the monolith. Just as if it was placed from above," hiker Thijs de Jong told media — who was the first one to spot the monolith.

Read more at: Another one: Hiker finds a new metal monolith in the Netherlands, World News |

December 6, 2020

The Netherlands: Should the Dutch ‘Black Pete’ tradition be abolished?

Many children in the Netherlands have grown up with the image of Black Pete, a helper for St Nicholas, an equivalent of Santa Claus.

The character is highly controversial, as the figure is usually portrayed by a white person wearing blackface makeup with exaggerated lips and an afro wig

Note Almere Digest: Indeed quite controversial. This has been a centuries old tradional Childrens celebration, before it became a racial issue. Amazing that the people promoting this as a racial issue have no qualms with the flagrant human rights violations of Saudi Arabia and many other countries around the world?

Read more at: Should the Dutch ‘Black Pete’ tradition be abolished? | Netherlands | Al Jazeera