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December 19, 2020

USA Economy: Disparity for everyone to see in a country which claims to be the greatest in the world ?

North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) distributed more than 600,000 pounds of food for about 25,000 people on Saturday, according to spokeswoman Anna Kurian. There were 7,280 turkeys distributed to families, Kurian told CNN.

Read more at: Thousands of cars form lines to collect food in Covid-hit Texas - CNN

The Netherlands: Schiphol overcrowded and airlines cancel flights to holiday destinations

Over the weekend and throughout this week, Schiphol was reportedly overwhelmed by travellers, with images of long queues and crowds in the departure hall shocking many - including the government Minister for Infrastructure, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen. In an interview with NOS on Wednesday, Van Nieuwenhuizen said she was “disappointed and angry” to see how busy Schiphol was, and stated she had repeatedly asked airport management and various airlines to take action and reduce / manage crowds.

Read more at: Schiphol overcrowded and airlines cancel flights to holiday destinations

December 17, 2020

Eurozone reform—it’s not just the fiscal rules –by Willi Koll

The Covid-19 pandemic has eclipsed the general overhaul of the economic-policy framework of the European Union and the eurozone initiated in February by the European Commission. Comprehensive reform of economic governance remains nevertheless urgent and indispensable.

Reform of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) and the Regulation on the Prevention and Correction of Macroeconomic Imbalances (MIP), within the framework of the ‘six-pack’ and ‘two-pack’ of the European Semester and other regulations, should again be at the centre of discussions, as soon as—at the latest—the consequences of the pandemic have been dealt with.

Read more at: Eurozone reform—it’s not just the fiscal rules – Willi Koll

December 16, 2020

The Netherlands: Reactions to Rutte's 5-week coronavirus lockdown in the Netherlands

Speaking from his official office in The Hague, Prime Minister Mark Rutte addressed the people of the Netherlands and, before announcing the new measures that would place in the country under lockdown, delivered a speech that served to remind the public of the severity of the situation and the importance of following the rules.

Almost 8,4 million people tuned in to listen to what the Prime Minister had to say - the highest number of viewers ever garnered by a coronavirus press conference or speech. Nearly 90 percent of all the people who were watching TV on Monday evening were watching Rutte’s speech.

People may have been eager to hear what Rutte had to say, but how have people responded to the strict lockdown measures that have been introduced just before the Christmas holidays?

Read more at: Reactions to Rutte's 5-week coronavirus lockdown in the Netherlands

December 15, 2020

Pollution By Ocean Energy Exploration Companies: Abandoned oil and gas wells leave the ocean floor spewing methane - by Hannah Seo

Out on the deck of a research boat, Tara Yacovitch looked out to the water. In the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, the seascape is peppered with lights. And every light is part of an offshore oil or gas platform.

Offshore platforms can vary greatly in size—some are as big as multi-storied buildings, while others resemble small but very tall rooms. The boat carrying Yacovitch and her team also housed a variety of science equipment: methane isotope readers, spectrometers, and other tools to measure methane levels in the air around these sites.

Yacovitch, an instrument scientist at Aerodyne Research, is trying to understand the scope of what some scientists say is a massive environmental issue lurking below our seas. Wells are routinely drilled into the sea floor for oil and gas production, and abandoned when they stop being economically viable—sometimes this is after years of oil or gas extraction, sometimes it's part way through drilling before the well is even finished. But not all of these wells are plugged and properly maintained before being left behind. The result: methane and other gases leaking in unknown quantities for years on end from tens of thousands of holes in the ocean floor.

The harms for the ocean and its inhabitants, and the atmosphere above, are largely unknown. But we do know that methane is about 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas, measured over a 20-year period, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

Read more at: Abandoned oil and gas wells leave the ocean floor spewing methane - The Daily Climate

December 14, 2020

The Netherlands: Why the country goes in strict lockdown, while Belgium doesn't

The Netherlands will go into a “strict lockdown” from midnight to stave off the rising coronavirus infections, but Belgium

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announce a strict lockdown at 7:00 PM today, but a large part of the content already made it to the press, including measures such as the closure of schools, non-essential stores, museums, hairdressers and theatres. Like in Belgium, bars and restaurants in the country had already been closed for some time.

Read more at: Why the Netherlands goes into strict lockdown, but Belgium doesn't

December 13, 2020

The Mysterious Universe: the link between Christianity and the Universe ia well established and no mystery to believers - by RM

On a clear night, when you look up to the sky and see the billions of twinkling stars, of which many support planets, like the planet we live on, we would be completely ignorant not to question the existence of life on other planets.The concept of the Universe, however, already is a mystery, which can only lead you to a Creator for its origin, because there is no other reliable technical or mathematical way to explain it.

So, ultimately, the discovery of intelligent aliens isn't likely to pose a serious crisis for Christianity, who believe in a Creator .They also believe that the penalty for those that sin is death (Romans 6:23). They believe that to rectify the circumstances they are in, God sent His only Son Jesus to die in their place, to take their punishment for sin (Romans 5:8). After Jesus’ death, He arose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-6). Jesus is the only way to God (John 14:6) and He provides the blessing of salvation. Each person has the choice to receive or reject our Creator's gift through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) and experience new birth (John 3:1-8).

If all this doesn't sound like it comes from the Creator of the Universe, I do not know what will. So don't worry about or deny the existence of aliens.
