July 30, 2013

Welcome to Almere-Digest

Did you know that by the latest count about 38% of the Almere population turned out to be English speaking. The Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean, India, China and Europe - the English language somewhere ties them all together.

Although the Government's goal seems to be to eventually turn the Netherlands into one happy melting pot of many different nationalities, cultures and religions, who all call themselves "Nederlanders", many of us, rightly so, don't want to totally break ties with their roots, specially when it comes to their culture, religion or ...maybe best of all...food.

Consequently,  not a week goes by that there is not some event going on in our area where English is spoken. This could either be at an in international church service, business meeting, a cultural event, or at a promotional conference.

Unfortunately not everyone who might have benefited to attend such events might have heard about it in time.

This is where we at Almere-Digest want to help you. .We want you to consider Almere-Digest your free bulletin and news board.

It is quite simple. If you or your organization have a special event you want to promote just send us the information at least 10 days before your event by using the easy mail-in form on the right hand panel of our Almere-Digest.

Only legitimate and voluntary church or charity organization's information can be accepted for placement at no cost in Almere-Digest. The editorial staff also reserves the right to reject material it deems inappropriate.
