July 30, 2013

Welcome to Almere....Here are the Facts - by Connie Koorevaar-Goecks

"Con­grat­u­la­tions .… you’ve moved, in my hum­ble opin­ion, to one of the most excit­ing places to live in the Nether­lands.  As a young city, Almere is con­tin­u­ously evolv­ing and chang­ing to meet the needs of the peo­ple that live here and that now includes you.

So, now that you’re here, let’s look at some of the IMPORTANT stuff you’ll want to know.
Police Emer­gency Num­ber:  112
Police Non-Emergency Num­ber:  0900–8844
Hos­pi­tal Emer­gency Num­ber:  0900 203 0 203     
City of Almere ser­vice line:  14 036 

Your health ser­vices are pro­vided by Zorg Groep Almere and on their web­site you can find the infor­ma­tion regard­ing the clos­est health cen­ter and phar­macy to you."

Read the complete story: Welcome to Almere....Here are the Facts | International Almere