January 26, 2014


The market Oracle reports: "The greatest economic, political and societal collapse in recorded history is unfolding and has been doing so ever since the final denouement of partially sound money occurred at Bretton Woods II in August 1971 – thereby allowing governments, the financial systems and elites to substitute money printed out of thin air and politically correct/corrupt legislation for sound economic policies.  This process has been unfolding for 40 years and is nearing its demise.  

Growth now is a function of expanding credit, financing government and consumer consumption and calling it GDP.  The developed world has become Something for nothing societies are like locusts they eat everything right down to its roots, including next year’s seed corn.  They will issue debt until it no longer can be sold. 

They will print money until it is no longer accepted.  This process is well established and underway (think Venezuela, Greece, Argentina, this is the future).  To illustrate the LACK of GROWTH, look at this chart of GDP from Chris Wood at CLSA and subtract the deficit:

Most economists are PREDICTING accelerating GDP growth in 2014; you sure wouldn’t come to that conclusion based upon median family incomes since 2008;  

Or the crash in PERSONAL incomes over the last year  

As you can see, the only period that compares to this CURRENT CRASH in disposable income in the last 20 years was the crash of 2007-2009.  Do you think this reflects a robust economy in 2014 as predicted by the MSM and Keynesians?  To grow the economy, we must borrow money to finance spending and report it as GDP.  DEBT MASQUERADING as GROWTH! 

Now, the developed world’s economies have been hollowed out (by runaway regulation, taxes and crony capitalism) and much of the wealth creation occurs in the emerging world.  Crony capitalists and their minions in government just attack the private sector where future growth and productivity must come from. 

They carve it up and destroy the future creative destruction (aka “Capitalism”) which must occur for growing middle classes and economies.  The powers that be are MINTING fire hoses of NEW money, creating at least 8000 million dollars/yen a DAY (2 million million a year or 2+ trillion per year) to support the global economy, bankrupt sovereigns and financial systems.   

Very little BAD can happen when they are printing and injecting this amount of money into the financial system and government coffers on a daily/yearly basis. “Currencies don’t float they just SINK at different rates”

Asset-backed economies provide the ILLUSION of growth in the developed world driven by currency depreciation (ASSET prices rise/reprice as the purchasing power of the currency they are denominated in sinks) and never-ending leverage to fund consumption and HIGHER ASSET prices.  This is insane behavior, but now is the last refuge of the powers that be.
Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule." 
