January 24, 2014

Sochi Olympics - the Netherlands: Dutch have it all to dominate the Olympic oval - by Raf Casert

Skating is in the Dutch blood
There is nothing more mythical in Dutch sports than an age-old 11-city race skating across lakes and canals in bone-numbing cold from dawn to dusk. No wonder the Netherlands is the greatest speedskating nation in the world.

And with Sven Kramer and Ireen Wust leading the way on the big Olympic oval in Sochi, they are bent on proving it again.

Time and again over the last half century, the Dutch have been top or near the top of the Olympic speedskating standings - a nation of 16.8 million defying giants like the United States, Russia or Germany. In Sochi too, the Dutch have a realistic chance of a half dozen gold medals on the big oval.

They won more long-track speedskating medals than any other nation in Vancouver, and federation sporting director Arie Koops said the only way forward is to become even more dominating.

"The goal is to improve on Vancouver. And considering our current level of form, that is a realistic goal," he told The Associated Press.

Read more: Dutch have it all to dominate the Olympic oval- by Raf Casert