The Spring issue of SURE!, a free electronic publication by the Dutch KOSTER Insurance company takes a look at a variety of issues which got the attention in Europe during the past months, Some of the issues covered by SURE! include:
- The European Parliamentary Elections, to be held in all member states of the European Union on May 22-25 this year.
- The ongoing EU-US Trade Negotiations which is keeping both the EU and the USA on their toes and already has run into several roadblocks.
- The Solvency II EU Internal Insurance Guidelines that has the European Insurance industry and some EU member states up in arms.
- The dangerous sovereign exposure by the European Banking Industry which could have a long term negative effect on the economy of the Eurozone.
- And of course, a variety of news items related to the Insurance Industry around the world, including Brazil, Britain, Germany, Iran, Sweden, the Netherlands, Ukraine and the USA.