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March 10, 2014

Social Media - A Boost For Your Ego Or a Clever Way To Circumvent Your Personal Privacy Rights - by RM

Social Media Serving A Human Need
The popularity of Facebook and other social media comes mainly because the people who developed these programs have successfully exploited one of the human's greatest "need/ addiction/weakness" which is the desire of being recognized and admired for their achievements in every possible form; intelligence, career, quality of life, family, religious devotion, charities, number of friends, travels, professional qualities, business succes, you name it.

As these platforms became more popular its programmers developed large data bases with detailed information about each of their members, which through various methods of cross referencing can come up with quite a precise profile on each of these members.

Obviously these profiles are very much in demand not only by corporations but also by governments.

Is there anything you can do about it?  Not really, unless governments legislate strict rules as to how companies and governments are allowed to make use of your personal data.

Don't expect Governments to do that too eagerly, because it would also tie them down on getting detailed information about you.

All you as a user of social media can do is to be very careful about what kind of information you put in there.

Make sure you "don't give away the store", because corporations and governments will always take advantage of the vulnerabilities of the human mind. That is not an illusion but a fact. 
