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July 23, 2020

The Netherands Coronavirus antibodies may not help with cure, after Dutch study sees harmful effect in ICU patients

Antibodies generated by the immune system to neutralize the novel coronavirus could cause severe harm or even kill the patient, according to a study by Dutch scientists.

Immuno globulin G (IgG) is a fork-shaped molecule produced by adaptive immune cells to intercept foreign invaders. Each type of IgG targets a specific type of pathogen.

The IgG for Sars-CoV-2, the virus causing Covid-19, fights off the virus by binding with the virus' unique spike protein to reduce its chance ofinfecting human cells. They usually appear a week or two after the onset of illness, when the symptoms of most critically-ill patients suddenly get worse.

A research team led by Professor Menno de Winther from the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands said they might have found an importantclue that may answer why the IgG appears only when patients are ill enough to be admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU).

Read more at:
Coronavirus antibodies may not help with cure, after Dutch study sees harmful effect in ICU patients | South China Morning Post