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July 27, 2020

The Netherlands: Five things the Netherlands does best

The Netherlands is such a small yet varied country. There’s so much going on, all the time - some of it good, some of it less so. It’s easy to compare the Netherlands to other countries around the world, especially as expats, but there are some things that the Dutch have just managed to hone down to an art. So, to shed some positive light on some of the elements of this wonderful country, let’s take a look at five things that the Netherlands undeniably does best.

 1. Bike parking
2. Work-life balance
3. Broodjes
4. Openness and honesty
5. Symphonic metal

his is only a small handful of some of the things the Netherlands has to offer, and some of the aspects of Dutch life that you can enjoy living here. What are some other things you love about the Netherlands? Are there any key things missing from this list? Let us know in the comments!

Five things the Netherlands does best