October 2, 2020

The Netherlands: Government has wishy washy poicy in wearing masks

Some things are hard to get your head around, even in 2020. The Dutch reluctance to don face masks is one of them. When I brought my daughter to get tested for Covid-19 recently, I was shocked to find that most people waiting in line weren’t wearing face masks. The medical professionals taking the swabs were in full gear, but even the workers checking our details were maskless. This was, after all, a place you could (in theory) only walk into if you had symptoms. Even more shocking was the man who checked-in my other daughter and I at the drive-thru testing centre at Amsterdam RAI. I asked him why he wasn’t wearing a mask. He said he had been, mostly to protect himself against the car fumes, but his bosses told him to take it off. Why has the Netherlands been virtually alone among its European neighbours—and much of the world—in its reluctance to mandate masks? Read more at: Despite the government u-turn, the Dutch are still unwilling to wear masks - DutchNews.nl